It’s healthy, it’s tasty

Amrit Confectioners is Punjab's leading producer of whole Wheat and multi-grain breads and other products. We produce a varied range of Breads, CAkes, pastries Pizza-Base and many other items. We use no additives or preservatives, preferring to use time and effort to create great tasting bread that is also good for you.

We have used the finest ingredients to make sure our products are top quality, healthy, and farm fresh. Whether youre interested in specialty grains, flour, bakery, or a homemade deli sandwich, we guarantee everything we do.


The whole wheat products are a very good source of dietary fiber and manganese, and as a good source of magnesium. The many benefits of whole wheat products are being recognized more and more by consumers. Even though many health-conscious individuals have been cutting back on their intake of total carbs and refined wheat products (by about 10% between 1997-2007), the demand for whole wheat products has actually increased during that same time period. This trend fits in well with a Mediterranean diet approach to health, which looks to lower overall carbs but higher whole grains, including whole wheat.